The Effect of Wildfire Smoke on Human Health and Property: A Whitepaper

While not as dramatic as the raging flames that produce it, wildfire smoke is a significant concern for residents, property owners and health and government officials dealing with the wide-ranging impact of wildfire season.
Wildfire smoke can reach thousands of feet into the atmosphere and be carried by wind currents far beyond the footprint of a wildfire, depositing ash, soot and char onto surfaces hundreds of miles away.
It’s a growing concern for residents, as well as for health, government and insurance officials who must assess the threat posed by deposited wildfire smoke, both to human health and as a source of property damage.
At Omega Environmental, Principal Scientist Richard L. Wade has extensive experience in the chemistry and mechanics of both wildfire and wildfire smoke as a researcher in academic and government regulatory roles, including as the former chief toxicologist for the San Francisco Fire Department and as a deputy chief for occupational health at Cal/OSHA. Dr. Wade’s research includes the review of results from hundreds of fire impact studies across the country.
Our whitepaper, Where There’s Smoke: Assessing the Health and Property Damage Risks of Wildfire Smoke, is drawn from his reporting, research and work at Omega Environmental, including studies of the Bastrop, Texas and Tubbs, Nunn and Woolsey California fires.
Highlights of this Whitepaper
- Potential health effects of wildfire smoke
- Wildfire smoke and property damage
- Differences between deposited and airborne wildfire smoke
- Differences in composition of wildfire smoke vs. smoke from structural fires
- Best practices for remediation and cleanup of property impacted by wildfire smoke
Expert Environmental Assessment and Remediation
At Omega Environmental we have more than 25 years of experience in the assessment and remediation of hazardous materials in buildings, soil, ground water and indoor air, including specialized expertise into the chemical makeup and effects of wildfire smoke. Our team of experts is ready to help you with cost-effective solutions for assessment, remediation and regulatory compliance for a wide array of environmental issues.