The Hazardous Building Materials Survey: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
The discovery of hazardous materials on a site slated for renovation or demolition – while not exactly a welcome event – can be a well-timed event preventing the risk of exposure to future building occupants and heading off the need for costly remediation of problems discovered too late for an…
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Smoke and Fire Expertise Puts Omega Scientist in the Thick of California Wildfire Season
The California wildfire season has arrived, running through October with the height of fire season occurring during the scorching months of July, August, and September. An outlook report from the National Interagency Fire Center published on Aug. 1, noted a significant increase in fire activity throughout July as “fuels continued…
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A New Beginning for Army Training Center
Built in 1943 during the height of WWII, Camp Parks Training Center in Dublin, Calif., lies just east of San Francisco. In its prime, this training center and air force base could house over 20,000 military personnel. Today, the base functions as a semi-active mobilization and training center to be…
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Industrial Hygiene Experts Crack the Code for Workplace Safety
Kumar Gunaratna never really knows what he’s going to find when he walks into a job site, but he usually finds it. As a senior industrial hygienist at Omega Environmental, it’s his job to root out the things that create unsafe or unhealthy conditions for workers and building occupants, no…
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Naturally Occurring Asbestos in Construction is Getting a Closer Look by Cal/OSHA
Building owners and property managers familiar with asbestos may not automatically think of the asbestos that occurs naturally in soil and rock. Most people associate asbestos exposure with hazardous building materials found during renovation, tenant improvements, and related demolition. Asbestos is a fibrous silicate mineral with unique properties including flexibility,…
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