The Effect of Wildfire Smoke on Human Health and Property: A Whitepaper
While not as dramatic as the raging flames that produce it, wildfire smoke is a significant concern for residents, property owners and health and government officials dealing with the wide-ranging impact of wildfire season. Wildfire smoke can reach thousands of feet into the atmosphere and be carried by wind currents…
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California Water Regulators Collecting Data In Widening PFAS Investigation
The California State Water Resources Control Board has issued updated guidelines for local water agencies and is collecting data from more than 600 water system sites, two dozen airports and more than 200 landfills under a widening investigation into a class of widely-used chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances…
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Understanding the Risk that Vapor Intrusion Poses to Your Project: A Whitepaper
When a Phase 1 environmental survey revealed that a San Pedro shopping center undergoing redevelopment had housed a dry cleaning business for four decades, the next steps involved testing to determine whether any chemicals had leaked into the soil or water below. The extent of contamination, after 40 years, was…
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Cal/OSHA Emergency Protection from Wildfire Smoke in Effect
Wildfire season is underway in California and state officials are calling on employers to take steps to help mitigate the effects on human health that inevitably come with it. In preparation for the worsening outdoor air quality, Cal/OSHA passed an emergency regulation in July designed to protect workers from harmful…
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What You Need to Know About Universal Wastes
Building and property managers can encounter many types of hazardous materials when renovating or remodeling any site: PCBs, mercury, lead, or asbestos, to name just a few. But as the most common type of hazardous material, it's important to understand the risks and regulations around the broad category of hazardous…
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