The Advantage of Using an Environmental Partner Instead of a Vendor

Environmental questions, challenges and responsibilities crop up on virtually every development project.
Some are easily resolved; some require more extensive testing or ongoing vigilance. Others, unfortunately, can morph into complex and time-consuming remediation projects.
And as any project manager can tell you, it isn’t always easy to tell the difference at the outset.
What kind of environmental hurdles will you face on your next development or renovation project? There’s no way to know for sure. But when you partner with an experienced environmental services firm committed to your success, you can be certain that whatever the situation requires, you’re covered.
An environmental partner works to ensure that you meet your deadlines and your budgets, without unnecessary costs or delays. A partner leaves you confident of compliance with local, state and federal regulatory requirements. A partner communicates transparently, to ensure that you know exactly what your risks, obligations and options are. A partner understands your goals and your deadlines and works to accommodate both. A partner, like Omega Environmental, is a company that measures its success by yours.
Reliable Environmental Help to Meet Your Deadlines
Why do so many project managers rely on the experts at Omega Environmental Services? It comes down to expertise, reliability, efficiency, and deep experience helping project managers meet their deadlines safely, compliantly, on-time and on-budget.
The Omega team has experience across a wide variety of environmental challenges and hazards. From the assessment and remediation of hazardous materials found in building materials, groundwater, soil and indoor air to threats posed by viruses, wildfire smoke and hazardous working conditions, the Omega team can provide a thorough, reliable, professional, and experienced response to the challenges you face, from assessment through remediation, of environmental challenges that include asbestos, lead, PCBs, mold and moisture, indoor air quality, workplace safety, industrial hygiene issues and more.
Working with the Omega team is an investment in turnkey processes for safety, compliance and cost-effective remediation, project after project.
Don’t Trust the Success of Your Project to a Vendor
Omega Environmental is a full-service environmental management and consulting firm recognized for reliability, expertise and full-service environmental assessment and remediation. Call us to learn why so many project managers rely on Omega to ensure the safe, compliant and on-time management of environmental issues.